Über ESOP 2008 Tagungsort Unterkunft Programm Anmeldung Vorträge


Stand: 1.September 2008

Dr. Eike Günther von der Thüringer Landessternwarte
Mit CoRoT auf Planetenjagd
60 min
Seid Jahrhunderten war es ein Traum Planeten ausserhalb unseres Sonnensystems zu entdecken. Mit der ersten indirekten Entdeckung eines extrsolaren Planeten im Jahre 1995 wurde dieser Traum Wirklichkeit. Inzwischen sind bereits 300 Planeten ausserhalb unseres Sonnensytems indirekt entdeckt worden. Neuste Forschungen ermoeglichen aber nicht nur die Masse und die Bahnen von massereichen Planeten aufzuspueren, sondern es ist jetzt auch moeglich, sehr viel mehr ueber die Planeten zu erfahren. Von herausragender Bedeutung ist dabei die Satellithenmission CoRoT, da es mit diesem Instrument moeglich ist, Planeten zu erkunden, wie es mit bodengebundenen Teleskopen nicht moeglich ist.

Dr. Ralf Langhans vom Lohrmann-Observatorium der TU Dresden
Automatic Universal CCD-Astrometry of Minor Planets
60 min
Concepts for a completely automatic scheme to determine the positions of minor planets on ccd frames will be discussed. There, special attention is given to the universal aspect, i.e. that the results should be of high accuracy independent of the hardware equipment used for observations and astrometrical reduction. Finally, the new software package "MpCCD", which has been developed to meet these requirements, will be outlined.

Harrie G.J. Rutten
Observation of a mutual occultation of Uranian satellites
20 min
At the moment the plane of the tracks of satellites from Uranus is at its side view. This means that mutual occulations occur. The lecture show an observation of an event.

Harrie G.J. Rutten
The construction and use of the ELMAHARU Obsrvatory
20 min
In this presentations Harrie Rutten shows his Observatory. It contains two observatories. One is a run-off roof observatory, the other is a lift-off roof observatory. The first is housing a 250 mm F/20 Schmidt Cassegrain for visual observations, the second a 10" F/6.3-> F/4 for video observations.

Matti Suhonen
Recent observations of occultations in Finland
15 min
The Lunar occultations that were observed in Finland during 2007 and 2008 included the daytime occultation of Regulus in May 2007, the daytime occultation of Venus in June 2007, and several occultations of the Pleiades in 2007 and 2008.

Oliver Klös
"Occult Watcher" - an Interactive Tool for Planning Asteroid Occultation Observations
45 min
Presentation of the latest version of "Occult Watcher", a software written by Hristo Pavlov. How to use it, what is new, things to come. Finally a short brainstorming with the participants about features to add in future versions of "Occult Watcher".

Vaclav Priban
Practical experience with camera WAT 120N
10 min
Contribution deals about using of this camera for observing asteroidal occultations. It describes what is possible to see under what conditions at time under very bad conditions.

Henk de Groot
Some experiences of an asteroidal occultation observer
30 min
At first I will explain how I do my observations and why. Then the occultation of Geranium and Winchester in spring 2008 will be discussed. For the predictions of asteroidal occultations I also use Occult V. I want to share some experiences with this programm too.
As the presentation is still under construction, the definitive description will follow.

Pawel Maksym
Editing of occultation video as a good way for accure timing and some more...
25 min

Pawel Maksym
ESOP 2009 - Niepolomice - Poland
25 min
Lecture together with Youth Astronomical Observatory of Niepolomice.

Wolfgang Rothe, Martina Haupt, Sven Andersson, Konrad Guhl
Total solar eclipse on 1st August 2008 near Nowosibirsk - a successful expedition
30 - 45 min
We report shortly about local circumstances in the Novosibirsk region, about the cooperation with Russian people, show some pictures and - as the most important result - some Bailey Bead videos recorded by the observers of the Spanish-German expedition.

Jan Manek
An early asteroid occultations ?
15 min
Some notes in published 19th century observations indicate there might be observed asteroid occultations in those times. However the texts in old German are not written clearly and interpretation is not easy. A discussion about these text is supposed.

Andreas Eberle
Wieck - an occultation in slow motion
30 - 60 min
While usually a set of several light curves is required to determine an asteroid's size and shape, a single recording of Wieck's occultation of HIP 22157 on 2008 Feb 08 was sufficent to retrieve a number of interesting data. A remodulation of the light curve rendered it possible to deduct various diffraction effects.

Harrie G.J. Rutten
Appeal: Pictures of former ESOPs
10 min
Since a few years web sites are beautiful tools to present ESOPs. Another nice thing is the memories of ESOPs. Some sites are still in the air, but some are closed. What a pity. DOA likes to make a historical overview of ESOPs. Therefore we like to have pictures and story, but mainly pictures. Do you have pictures, please send them of take them to this ESOP, digital or on paper (good quality needed). Next ESOP in Cracow we present our new "Memories on ESOPs".

Konrad Guhl, Sven Andersson, Martina Haupt
Baily beads "observation for measurement the solar diameter - first results from the eclipse 1. August 2008"
20 min

Wolfgang Beisker
Occultations by Triton and Pluto in 2008
30 min

Wolfgang Beisker
Sensitivity of different cameras uses in occultation work
20 min

Hans-J. Bode
Transition of ILOC to IOTA ... Remarks and Perspectives
20 min

Gerhard Dangl
The Video Exposure Analyzer - VEXA
30 min

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